Kern Family Health Care | Family Health | Spring 2021

FAMILY HEALTH 2 WHAT DO I DO IF I MIGHT BE SICK? Give our Advice Nurse Line a call at 800-391-2000 . Our nurses can help you know what to do next. What are Valley Fever and COVID-19? COVID-19 is a viral infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 and is thought to spread mainly from person to person. Valley Fever is a fungal infection resulting from inhaling spores of the fungus Coccidioides ( kok-sid-e-oy-dees ) and cannot be spread from person to person. COVID-19 and Valley Fever cannot be self-diagnosed. If you have a fever, cough or other symptoms, isolate yourself from others and contact your doctor immediately. What should I avoid? y Alcohol. y Cannabis. y Tobacco. y Vaping. What if I have Valley Fever? If you have active Valley Fever and are under treatment, you may also be at increased risk for complications with COVID-19. Could it be a cold? Most people get colds in the winter and spring, but it is possible to get a cold at any time of the year. Symptoms usually include: y Sore throat. y Runny nose. y Coughing. y Sneezing. y Headaches. y Body aches. Source: community-education/covid-19 Life-changing events are happening everywhere, and times have been hard for many of us. Have you been diagnosed with depression and are you taking antidepressant medication? Here are a few important things to know: What is depression? y Depression is a mood disorder that causes deep, ongoing sadness. y Depression can make it hard for you to do your normal daily tasks. y About 1 in 10 adults is diagnosed with depression yearly. What to know about antidepressants: y Medication can take up to six weeks to work. y Take your medication as advised. Don’t stop without talking to your doctor first. y Ask what results and side effects to expect. Tell your doctor if you have any. y Keep your follow-up appointments with your doctor. What else can you do? y Build a social support team with friends and family. y Ask your doctor to connect you with a counselor. y Keep a regular sleep schedule. y Exercise several times a week. y Eat healthy. Talk with your doctor today, and together make your treatment plan the best it can be! Source: What is dementia? y Having trouble following a conversation. y Having trouble recognizing familiar people. —Continued from front page y Having trouble with multistep tasks, such as getting dressed. y Acting impulsively. For example: undressing at odd times or using vulgar language. A way to a better you