Kern Family Health Care | Family Health | Spring 2021
FAMILY HEALTH 3 GETTING CARE WHILE PREGNANT is the best thing for you and your baby. It can help you stay on top of things. The visits below will also get you KFHC rewards. • PRENATAL CARE. Visit your doctor within the first three months of getting pregnant and submit the Prenatal Reward Form. You will receive a $30 gift card in the mail. • POSTPARTUM CARE. Complete this visit 1 to 12 weeks after giving birth. When we receive the bill from your doctor, KFHC will mail you a $30 gift card. Learn more at . If you just had a baby, you may be thinking, “No.” But over time you may change your mind. A postpartum visit can help you figure out some things. During the postpartum visit, your doctor will check: y How your pregnancy journey felt and any concerns for future pregnancies. Topics may include preterm birth, gestational diabetes, etc. y How things are going with your baby, like breastfeeding, immunizations and how you’re feeling. y If you want more children, your doctor may suggest that you wait 18 to 24 months before getting pregnant again. This will help ensure your body has fully recovered. y Which contraceptive methods, also called birth control, you would prefer. A contraceptive method helps prevent pregnancy. These can be short- term or long-term. Below is a brief list of contraceptive methods: y Oral pills: You take a pill once a day, each day. y Patch: This goes on your skin for three weeks and is removed for the fourth week. This is repeated each month. y Ring: You place this inside your vagina. It is kept inside for three weeks and taken out for the – IUDs: An IUD is inserted into the uterus by a doctor. There are two types: A copper IUD has no hormones and lasts up to 10 years. An IUD with progestin (hormones) lasts three to five years. Discuss this and any concerns with your doctor. Sources: American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists; U.S. Food and Drug Administration Mom, are you ready for another baby? fourth week. This is repeated each month. y Diaphragm: This goes inside your body each time you have sex. y Injectables: This is a shot that is given every three months at your doctor’s office. y Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC): – Implant: This is a small rod that is placed under your skin. This may last up to three years.
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