Kern Family Health Care | Family Health | Summer 2019

Editorial Board CEO Douglas A. Hayward Chief Medical Officer Martha Tasinga, MD Director of Marketing and Public Relations Louis Iturriria Director of Health Education, Cultural & Linguistic Services   Isabel Silva 2019 © Coffey Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. We post current health care news and tips to help you and your family stay healthy. You can also get important member updates and see what Kern Family Health Care is doing in your community. Follow us on Twitter at Facebook “f”Logo CMYK / .ai Like us on Facebook at Watch the Kern Family Health Care channel on YouTube HEALTH FAMILY HEALTH is published as a community service for the friends and patrons of Kern Family Health Care, 9700 Stockdale Highway, Bakersfield, CA 93311, telephone 800-391-2000. Information in FAMILY HEALTH comes from a wide range of medical experts. If you have any concerns or questions about specific content that may affect your health, please contact your health care provider. Models may be used in photos and illustrations. Member rights If you have a ser vice or quality of care complaint against Kern Family Health Care (KFHC) or a provider, please contact us first. You can call 661- 632-1590 (Bakersfield) or 800-391-2000 (outside of Bakersfield). You can also visit our website, , or log in to your KFHC Member Portal account. You may call the Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) for help if: ❱  ❱ Your grievance is an emergency. ❱  ❱ You are not happy with KFHC’s decision. ❱  ❱ It has not been resolved in 30 days. The DMHC’s toll-free number is 888-HMO-2219 (888-466-2219) . Its TDD line (for people with hearing and speech impairments) is 877-688-9891 . You may also call the DHCS Office of the Ombudsman toll-free at 888-452-8609 . Did you know that Kern Family Health Care (KFHC) will reimburse your friend or family member for taking you to your medical appointment? As a KFHC member, you have a mileage reimbursement benefit. Use your mileage reimbursement benefit to get to appointments with a KFHC health care provider! This benefit can be used for trips to other Medi-Cal covered services. To receive mileage reimbursement, you must: ●  ● Be a member of KFHC. ●  ● Have no way to get to your doctor. ●  ● Not be able to drive due to a disability. This can be a short- or long-term disability. ●  ● Have a friend or family member who is willing to take you to your appointment. • The friend or family member must be licensed to drive. His or her car must be legal to drive in California. It must also be covered by auto insurance. To receive reimbursement, you and your driver must fill out a mileage reimbursement form. Also, your health care provider’s office staff must sign or stamp the form to show you were there. To get the form, please call the KFHC Transportation Department. Call 800-391-2000 and select option 3 . They can also help you fill out the form. Now available: Mileage reimbursement